Understanding the GoodDollar Wallet
Understanding the GoodDollar Wallet What is GoodDollar Wallet? GoodDollar Wallet is an anti-poverty protocol powered by the GoodDAO. It utilizes social investing and free market principles to mint and distribute a continuous stream of crypto universal basic income (UBI) to anyone with a cell phone and internet access. How Do I Claim GoodDollar? To claim G$, you need to verify your uniqueness to obtain a GoodDollar verified address. This process is simple and can be done through GoodWallet. Once your uniqueness is verified, and you have your GoodDollar address, you can claim G$ tokens daily in either GoodWallet or other Web3 wallets connected to GoodDapp. What do you think:? Sign up Now https://wallet.gooddollar.org/open?inviteCode=3m6mMMGy3b&utm_campaign=celo-onlyurl